indy voting experience redesigned [service design]


In this project, my project partners and I dove deep into the Indianapolis voter experience to identify barriers that lead to low voter turnout and generate solutions to overcome these barriers.


framing the challenge

Throughout the research phase, five challenge statements were crafted.

How might we reduce the burden on voter’s personal resources?
How might we ensure absentee voters are aware of their options and can exercise their right to vote?
How might we better educate the general public on the candidates they are voting for?
How might we make it easier for voters with limited mobility to vote?
How might we make casting a vote more efficient for voters who are on-the go?


The first image is a journey map of redesigned voting process. The following section provides an overview of the five solution components:

  • Registration Guide

  • Candidate Guide

  • Absentee Voting

  • Express Voting

  • Pop-Up Polls

